Here is where you will find answers to the more common questions about EMAIL.
The answers and steps below have been determined after thousands of hours but if you do not find what you are looking for please contact us.
How do I set-up an Email Account?
There are two main steps required to set up an email account.
- creates an account (mailbox) on the server
- creates an account on a computer or device (connects to the server mailbox).
First you will be creating a mailbox on the server (to receive email), then creating an email account on your PC or device using software like Outlook to download the mail from the mailbox.
Step 1, Login to your Hosting Control Panel (cPanel) and create a mailbox on the server.
In cPanel, Mail Manager is where you manage email accounts, forwarders and responders. It provides access to WebMail where you can read and send mail online, Forward Mail, Autorespond, Filter and Block unwanted mail, as well as Spam Assassin.
Step 2, create an email account on your computer or device (Outlook) that connects with the server mail box, downloads email from the mailbox to your device.
How do I set-up a FORWARDER?
An email forwarder redirects emails addressed to email address #1 ( to any other email email address #2 (
They are easy and simple to create and delete and never fail as they are simply a forwarding operation.
How do I set-up a REPLY Email Account?
How To create a professional looking REPLY email account can be used to reply to any email.
I can’t SEND email?
Email (outgoing) is delivered (sent) by your ISP* (Internet Service Provider ~ Optus, Bigpond, Dodo etc).
Your email accounts at Ripefruit Hosting Services receive mail but do not send email. Your Internet Service Provider sends all mail.
In short, problems associated with ‘sending’ mail* relate to your ISP connection or settings. Check your settings or contact your ISP.
* ISP’s in Australia block Port 25 disabling SEND functionality through external mail-servers like Ripefruit.
I am not RECEIVING my emails?
Fortunately 99.9% of the time, yes the mail server is working. Allow .1% for downtime during updates and monitoring, in other words, wait for a few minutes and then try again. If you are concerned emails are not getting through, then you can always check your email account online using WebMail.
Login to WebMail [], enter the full email address (username) and password to access your mailbox. Each email account (mailbox) has its own login.
- Webmail (cannot login or see login page) + software cannot connect to the mail server:Blocked IP Address
- Email FAQ : For SR001 server accounts only.
Common causes of Email Failure
- Mailbox Full* – Login to cPanel and go to Manage Email Accounts / Mail Account Maintenance. Click on the Show Disk Space Used link to view the amount of space used in each mailbox. The quota can be modified to suit each account. A full mailbox prevents incoming mail until enough space is available to receive more. More below…
- Domain Name Expired – Run a whois report to see if the domain name is still registered.
- Incorrect Email Address – Often we hear, “a freind / business contact said they sent me an email and we did not receive it?” Test your email address and then send an email to the friend and ask them to reply. In almost every investigated case, they were sending to a wrong address.
* Mailbox Full – There is a setting in your Email Software (Outlook, Outlook Express) on your computer, named Leave a copy of messages on the server.
Go to Email Account Settings / Advanced Tab.
Either uncheck the box, or change the number of days the emails are remaining on the server.